Montpellier train station - "Sud de France"

City: Montpellier – FRANCE
Contracting authority: Réseau ferré de France (French railway network)
Team: Marc Mimram, Elioth, Egis Bâtiment
Surface area: 10 000 m²
Calendar: delivered in 2017

The construction of the multimodal TGV station is a PPP operation. The programme includes shops, the bus station, the tertiary sector, a reception area, catering, etc.

The architecture of the station offers a large hall with an average height of 11 m and a coverage that extends well beyond the limits of the station: to the south to cover the entrances, the threshold of the station and part of the forecourt where the taxi rank is located, to the west to accommodate tramway passengers and to the east to cover the platforms. It thus constitutes a vast volume articulating high and low, passenger building and platforms.

The environmental feature of the project results in the cooling without air conditioning of the main hall: natural ventilation coupled with a misting system.

Expertise deployed

Hygrothermal comfort studies, needs and consumption assessment, visual comfort analysis (FLJ), condensation studies, adiabatic refreshment (misting) sizing, natural ventilation (CFD studies).

More about the roof perforation optimization here

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Pierre-Arnaud VOUTAY

directeur général